Parent’s devastating decision – forced to pull the plug on 13-year-old daughter after sleepover horror

Devastated parents forced to pull the plug on their 13-year-old daughter after sleepover horror 💔😢 They’ve now issued a warning to spare others from the same tragedy


Australian Ally Langdon struggled to hide her distress as she conversed with a couple who had to make the heartbreaking decision to terminate the life of their child, born only 13 years ago.

Langdon, a mother herself, struggled to hold back her tears as she witnessed the tragic death of the young girl, who had fallen victim to the increasingly popular chroming trend.

On A Current Affair, hosted by Ally Langdon, Andrea and Paul Haynes shared the heartbreaking story of their 13-year-old daughter Esra Haynes, who tragically passed away after experimenting with the dangerous trend of inhaling chemicals, also known as “chroming,” which has become increasingly popular on social media.

Esra, a youthful athlete who competed in BMX races alongside her siblings and served as co-captain of the Montrose Football Netball Club, was characterized as “resolute, enjoyable, mischievous, and skilled” by her fellow teammates. Additionally, Esra guided her team to victory in a national aerobics competition held in Queensland.


On March 31, Esra attended a friend’s residence for a sleepover, where she, in pursuit of an intense high, inhaled from an aerosol deodorant can. Consequently, she experienced cardiac arrest and sustained irreversible brain damage.


Andrea, the mother, mentioned to Langdon during the interview that it was simply the usual routine for her daughter to go out with her friends.

Paul, the father, also stated that they were always aware of her whereabouts and the company she kept.

He emphasized that there was nothing unusual about it. However, receiving the phone call at that late hour was a parent’s worst nightmare,

and unfortunately, they had to receive that call: ‘Come and get your daughter.’


Esra’s friends thought she was having a panic attack; however, as Langdon noted, “after inhaling deodorant,

her body was truly beginning to fail, she was in cardiac arrest, and no one at the sleepover recognized the signs of cardiac arrest.”


When Andrea arrived at Esra’s side, she was being resuscitated, and the paramedics explained to her mother that her daughter had been chroming,

a term she had never encountered before.


Esra hurried to the hospital with the hope that their baby girl would fully recuperate.

Given her strong heart and lungs, there was a chance she could pull through.

Esra’s brain injury was deemed irreversible by Paul and Andrea, leading them to the difficult decision of terminating life support after eight days.

Despite struggling to communicate, her parents recounted the anguish of having to end their daughter’s life on what was undoubtedly their most sorrowful day.


Esra’s father found it incredibly challenging to bring their family and friends to the hospital to bid their final farewells.

He recounted how they laid with her on the bed, providing comfort and affection until the very end.

Langdon, a mother of two young children, became overwhelmed with emotion and began to weep due to the sorrow of the parents.

Paul asserts that after Esra’s passing in early April, Imogen, Seth, and Charlie are devastated, and the entire family is in disarray.


Paul expressed that the situation was truly heartbreaking, impacting not only those directly involved,

but also all of her friends. He described it as the most challenging and distressing period any parent could experience.

He mentioned that they have been struggling to sleep, eat, and find joy, feeling like they have lost their usual selves.

Furthermore, he emphasized that the impact extends beyond their family to the entire community.


Paul and his wife were unaware of the dangers of chroming until it tragically took the life of their daughter.

They are now dedicated to spreading awareness about this deadly viral trend that is gaining popularity among teenagers and can be easily done using common household items such as deodorant, paint, hairspray, and even permanent markers.


During an interview with a nearby news publication, Paul conveyed remorse for his lack of knowledge about chroming while Esra was alive, expressing that had they been informed earlier, they would have definitely discussed the risks around their kitchen table.

It is imperative to increase our efforts and allow young individuals to discover information firsthand, rather than relying on friends or social media. This way, they can receive accurate guidance right from the start.


Paul aims to instruct parents in order to improve the lives of their children and potentially even rescue their offspring.

Parents should engage in a conversation with their children, initiating the dialogue in a gentle manner. It is evident that we were unaware of the circumstances at hand.


Many children in Australia and various regions across the globe have lost their lives since 2009 due to the alarming rise of chroming.

This dangerous trend, known to lead to organ failure, seizures, heart attacks, suffocation, and sudden death, is favored by youth seeking a rapid high.


Paul informed Langdon that the images etched in their minds would remain indelible, depicting the challenges they faced. He mentioned that they felt devastated.


It is unimaginable the difficulty the Haynes family must be facing in making the decision to take their young child off life support. Our condolences and support go out to the family and all those close to Esra.

By informing parents about the dangers linked to this alarming trend, you can assist them in protecting their children’s lives by disseminating this story to your network.